
Fear or Not?! DO IT!

Fear or Not?! DO IT!

February 3, 2022

Fear is something that we are all familiar with. Fear can be associated misfortune but how often do we associate fear with good fortune? I was having a conversation this evening with a complete stranger about a business venture that I’ve been putting off. I was his client but the conversation took a turn for the best. My conversation with this complete stranger was short but impactful no doubt. So much so, that I decided to put my plans to work immediately.

There is no time like the present they say. So I’ve decided to start what I’ve been contemplating for so long. Experience comes by DOING before perfecting. After all, how can one perfect something that they haven’t started ? Mistakes are proof that you’re trying but without mistakes are you really making progress? I mean, REAL progress?

When this stranger asked me “April, what are you waiting for?” I immediately replied “I’m afraid I’m not ready!” Then I laughed it off because I had just lied to him and myself. This stranger reassured me that I was in typical ‘April’ fashion OVERTHINKING this thing. Truth is, what if I’m successful in this new venture? What if simply starting what I’ve been putting off these last few months actually takes off? What if I become so successful with this new venture that it conflicts with my schedule for my other passions? What-if what-it what-if????

This stranger told me that he didn’t sense any fear in me at all because of my bubbly personality and I’m glad it appeared that way to him. Perhaps, that will be the case with potential new clients that I’ll be interfacing with here in the near future. This stranger assured me that I could reach out to him with any questions or concerns that I might along while starting this long awaited journey. You know what happened tonight? Fate happened… I’ve made a friend and gained a mentor all within a 20 minute conversation. Who knew?

Soooooooo… that brings me to my next question. What have you been putting off? Is it due to fear of failing or actually FLYING??? Just Speak On It!!! p.s. I just realized that this post was completed at 11:11 pm #JSOI

What do you have to say about it??? Just Speak On It!