
Mask-On or Mask-Off: Are you masking or are you basking in the COVID air?

Self Care Blogger

Mask-On or Mask-Off: Are you masking or are you basking in the COVID air?

Self Care Blogger
Self Care Blogger
“Mask” or nah?

This has become a touchy subject for many. Fortunately, I’m not one of them. Mask mandates went into effect in 2020. In fact, some public places still claim to have a mandate although you can clearly several people on the premises without a mask OR they’re wearing a mask with their nose exposed. Yikes!

Will mask mandates be a factor of the past or present a year from now? We’re almost into the month of November of 2021 and becoming more socially distanced in even more ways like our thinking. Can someone say “division”? Certainly! The requirements are becoming a bit relaxed from what I’m observing which may be too soon for some and too late for others. With continued updates on deaths and hospitalizations due to COVID, I can’t help but wonder if this thing really getting better or is it getting worse? Several, celebrities even, were completely against the vaccine until they were actually symptomatic and unable to breathe.

To be vaccinated or remain unvaccinated is another question. Of course each individual, with the exclusion of children, have a choice in whether they get the vaccine or not. I personally chose to get vaccinated because it brought me some sense of peace, however, I’m not pressuring those that I know to do the same as I did. They have their convictions and opinions as do I. My stance is please don’t hold it against me for getting the vaccine and masking up if you choose to do the opposite. I do not wish to fall out with anyone behind it.

What are your thoughts on masking up and getting vaccinated? JSOI (#justspeakonit)… if you choose to. We would love to hear your thoughts! #nojudgement.

4 thoughts on “Mask-On or Mask-Off: Are you masking or are you basking in the COVID air?”

  1. I believe it is a person right either way. When I feel safe I dont wear a mask. If I’m in a confined space where we cant distance ourselves then I mask up! If you are fearful of being infected then it’s best for you to stay home or only attend events where you feel safe.

    1. I agree Candra! We cannot force our beliefs on others even thought it can be quite tempting. Going out in public is the chance we take as we cannot control what goes on outside of our homes.

  2. Great topic!! Such a touchy topic. I have found people tend to be very passionate about their stance. I love that you opened it up for knowledge and sharing in a safe place. I am vaccinated and do still wear mask in some places but not all. I can appreciate those that respect others to mask up especially if you have not been vaccinated. However, we all know the vaccine does not keep us fully safe from catching COVID. So many people I have spoken with just in passing or family and friends all of their reasons one way or the other. I can respect it either way as long as we are considerate of others when outside of the home. In a store, stay your distance. Don’t walk up on people you don’t know. If you run into someone you don’t know their stance, don’t lean in for a hug. Perhaps ask before going for a hug or a hand shake. I do believe our world has been forever changed due to this pandemic and we have the choices to and options for what fit us best as long as we don’t infringe on others.

  3. Utilitarianly speaking, the benefits far outweigh the inconvenience of masks. In today’s society, many feel that any attempt to mandate something, is a deduction in relative rights. I do not believe this is the case. Maturity should increase rationale and not just independence. However, many that oppose it have reverted to adolescent thinking. No one can tell me what to do. Libertarian theory teaches that one should be able to do as one pleases, provided it doesn’t affect anyone else. Unfortunately, science has proven that not wearing a mask, increases rates of transmission exponentially. I will not disparage another’s opinion. I ask for logical consideration. The ask is to wear a mask when indoors and around other people. It hurts nothing but a self-matriculated value of one’s rights. That, in itself, should not be just cause to disregard the suggestion of wearing a mask.

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