
How has COVID-19 opened your mind to new hobbies and ideas?

How has COVID-19 opened your mind to new hobbies and ideas?

This pandemic has expanded my ideas to exploring things that have been mere thoughts that came and went in the past. In some ways, I’m actually thankful for the pandemic. I’m sad for a lot of the unfortunate events and deaths that have taken place but at the same time, I’m thankful for the way it’s brought a lot of issues and voids to the forefront.

I’ve played with the idea of making extra money in the past but I never took the time to research the way that I have this year. I’ve been working from home since March and frankly after signing off from work, I’m still glued to some sort of device be it my personal laptop, iPad, or mobile phone.

I’m thankful that I’ve been employed during all of this even though my salary as a musician has been impacted. At the same time, my workload as a musician has also declined which has provided more time to look at additional ways to earn money and make my dreams come true. Those student loans aren’t going anywhere at this time so I plan to apply the extra income I’m able to earn to pay them down.

I discovered my love for writing during graduate school some years ago. I realized that my best grades came from my writing as opposed to my testing skills. I figured I was onto something although it took the pandemic for me to actually launch my sites. I feel the drive to be more connected in a different way. I yearn for connecting with people that I’ve never met before for the mere fact that there is a lot to be learned from people that I’ve never crossed paths with. So here I am. Again, I would like to welcome you to JSOI.

Please share what new ground you’re embarking upon due to COVID-19.. Awe come onnnnn…. just speak on it!!!

What do you have to say about it??? Just Speak On It!